时间:5.30pm - 10.00pm
Today is a red letter day, especially to those who are going to graduate soon from our maktab - The day of SEM8 ceromony finally came! We had been preparing for our dance since 2 weeks ago. I felt very excited and nervous because I am one of the perfomer. =S
Dont know why Wan Ting and I were arranged to sit on table No. 2, which is far far away from our class (No. 16 & 19). We sit with the girls from TESL class. But, it is okay, our happy mood didnt affected by this.
We shouted to the max and clapped alots while enjoying the show. I LOVE "O Solemio" from Jia Hao senior and also songs from Dominic senior. They are such popular seniors in my maktab and officially become idol of all the juniors. ^^
So happy I am able to take photo with them!!
Sem 8: with jia hao, dominic, mun choong, chsiak, yeong fu and tiger seniors!! all guys? because they are POPULAR enough and my friends keen to take photo with them, so I followed lor..LOL!
Sem 6: with Nian Xi and Jia Yi seniors. They are very fierce when I first meet them when ask for their signature during orientation week, but now I feel they are quite good people actually. ^^
Sem 2: with Jowei and Wen Xuan senior. Jowei xue jie is one of the pengacara tonight and she is so beautiful as usual!! Sit with Wen Xuan xue zhang, I bet my friend gonna be jealous about it, bluek xP