Time: Dinner time.
Venue: Megah Restaurant?
Participants: 25 lovely members of lovable BC2 (PPISMP Sem 2 June 2010 Intake)
After class today, we immediately escaped from the gate of the maktab and headed to Megah Restaurant which is a stone throw away our college. Today is a red letter day for our class 'coz we was going to have our Class Reunion Dinner before CNY. Wooohoo! xD
Today is really a great day. Coz we didnt have to run 2.4km as usual during our PJ class due to the raining day. Yes!!! I love raining day. It saves me from suffering. Somehow, it makes me trembling while taking bath :S
Back to the topic, the reunion dinner.
I dont know why it was held. Perhaps the Sem 7 seniors also had it few days before and our class followed this idea? Anyway, it is nice to gather everybody and have our dinner together. It is a rare chance. We did chat alot throughout the whole dinner, making the most noise as usual and made people couldnt fail to stare at us. I wondered what would they think. LOL. No doubt, as our lecturer said we are the most active and noisy class she seldom meet. We got plenty of energy to laugh and talk at the top pitch like what the hell had happened! Okay, it is so called youngster xP So did we in the restaurant too.
In the coming Rabbit Year, I hope everybody will be as cute, as energetic, as sweet as rabbit. I hope our class will be the most co-operative class. No more argue. No more quarel. Everything will be just fine no matter in interaction, assignment or examination. Lets finish our PPISMP course smoothly this year!
Happy Chinese New Year, my friend!! \^0^/
in advance~~ (in CNY mood dy)