VENUE: Segamat and JB
PARTICIPANTS: Baby and I again :)
Yeepee! Another trip heading to Segamat this time! Daddy and my aunt brought us to Segamat this time to help Mr Steven in another Caligraphy Camp. I like to take part in caligraphy camp because I can learn to be braver and more experienced through it. I can recognise more people as well. Killing plenty birds with one stone. :P
We reached the bus station in Segamat around 5pm and Mr Steven hadnt reach yet, so we waited for him for about 1 hour. Tired!! After he reached and fetched us, we went to McD for a simple teatime. Soon after that the headmaster of primary school in Jementah brought us for dinner in restaurant. A great one! Not to forget we went to visit his wife's brilliant art work after dinner. Her art work made our jaw dropped!! It is amazing and precious :O
She even copied this kitab in a 50 cent coin, can you imagine?? =O

At first I thought our night in hotel would be a lame one, who know what I thought was WRONG! Our night in hotel turned out to be a Memorable one (n_n) Baby Pawg and I went for limteh with Ah Kang at around 12am and back hotel at 1am! It was raining that night and it was pretty cold. And the atmosphere deteriorated when Ah Kang da sweat guy cracked ALOTOF funny jokes. His jokes really made baby and I speechless and burst out laughing non stop and it was even worst that we could barely swallow our Milo. Baby had vomitted out and I was coughing. ISH!!! >_<## Then we thought we could have our good rest after yumcha. BUT we talked to uncle Sheng and Ah Kang until 4.30AM just because we wanna borrowed the toothpaste from them. =="" We went to borrow the toothpaste from them but kena trapped in their room to practise writing caligraphy and listened Uncle's old story and some of the Malaysia History and time flies, 4.30am!!! OMGOSH! We just slept for 2hours that night and turned out to be 4 pandas the next morning. @.@
Somehow, not to disappoint Mr Steven, we still tried our best to teach the teachers from Daerah Segamat how to write caligraphy. They were paying attention to Mr Steven's lesson.
Baby and I followed Mr Steven back to JB to have our 1 day fun after the camp. He brought us to the book fair and sing K the next day with Ker Neng. We were on cloud nine!! I had sang a lots until my throat felt painful. LOL. But quite sad and disappointed that Uncle Sheng and Ah Kang didnt join us though Pawg had called Ah Kang the night before :( Maybe he was tired enough to join 2 sampat girls kot~ Our journey had became quite quiet without their jokes and funny comments. Hope we could get the chance to have fun together next time...
Back home by taking 6.45pm bus and reach my dear hometown at 9 sth. zzz.
Photo of the day :

美满的人生 不在物质权势 名利及地位 而是人与人之间的 深爱与情谊