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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 and target set for this brand new year.

For the past few years, I always did a recap for the year.
But I feel lazy and meaningless to do it for 2013.
It is always something nice to recall back those sweet memories, but as I always blogged right after something worth to record down punctually and I can always read back everything, so I think it is not necessary to write a recap.
So here I am to write my target to be achieved in 2014:
  1. Hunt for A in practicum and be a good teacher! *Result second, teaching first. Educating people is surely in the first place.*
  2. Maintain my result and CGPA 3.85 and above. *Of course it is definitely better if I could improve it*
  3. Brush up my 草书 and meet my calligraphy teacher sending him my art piece at least once every 1.5 months. *Did I mention I am so sad I could no longer attend my calli class as the weekends changed to Fri and Sat? :(*
  4. Spend more time in reading. Hopefully at 8 English novels. *2013 record is 4-5* I know it aint a lot if I could stay quietly and read like every second I'm free, but I just couldnt. So, I would like to train myself.
  5. Watch worth-watching drama ONLY and reduce the amount to 15 dramas only. *2013 record is uncountable*
  6. Loss weight to 48kg by clean meal and exercising. *Abs will be even better* XD
  7. Travel to new country. Use my own money 100% if travel with my aunt or plan a trip to oversea with friends.
  8. Write 400-500 春联 for donation function. *2013 record is 400 pieces* :D
  9. Continue blogging at least once per week. *I did blog more often in 2013 so keep it up*
  10. Braver, more independent, more sociable, more daring, expose myself more to others.
I hope I am able to I must and I will achieve all of these!! Bravo 2014, please be kind to me. ^_^

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