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Friday, January 3, 2014

The Host

THE HOST by Stephanie Meyer
Bought in Australia second book shop and costs only 4 dollars (approximate RM12 which is really cheap!) 
Worth reading: ★★★★☆ (9/10)
Reason: The story flows well, give you space to imagine the scene.

It takes one month for me to finish this book. I know I'm a slow reader. My proceed always very slow because I could not pay attention on something more than maybe 15 minutes? But I really force myself to finish the last 200 pages in these two days in hostel since I will be getting real busy soon. I can read fast if I don't be that lazy Aww. :(

This is a book about the Earth has been invaded by unseen enemy that takes over minds of human hosts. Wanderer is the invading soul that had been given to Melanie’s body, to control her, read her mind and to discover the remaining human resistance. But Melanie is too strong for Wanderer to get the information she needs. Since Wanderer couldn’t erase her, they have to live in one body. Wanderer starts to read through the memories of her host Melanie and she gets to know that Melanie would like to reunite with her brother, Jamie and her lover, Jared. And so, they start their journey to the desert.

It isn’t an easy journey because they need to hide themselves from the Seeker and also they are lack of food and water in the desert. Luckily, they are found by uncle Jeb and they are brought to the cave. There are so many human inside the cave but most of them couldn’t trust Melanie/Wanderer. Kyle and even Jared keep challenge uncle Jeb to kill ‘it’. But since Wanderer is really a kind person who always put the humans in the first place, she earns their care and love at last. She tries her best to help them. She lies to save Kyle who nearly killed her. She even risks herself to steal the medicine from the Healer to save Jamie. At last, she is willing to sacrifice herself and leaves. Because of her kindness, the humans in the cave refuse to let her go. And she stays. *Happy Ending :)*

This novel is great because the writer explains everything in details. And the words used are simple and easy to understand. It might seemed difficult to understand Melanie and Wanderer because they are sharing one body right? Actually not confusing at all coz the internal monologue written is clear. It is well written to explain Melanie's past memories before she was caught by the Seeker and get invaded the soul. She was fully refusing the soul in the beginning as Wanderer was hard to read her mind. But as they experienced so many things together, they become sisters slowly. I was touched by the last few chapter when Melanie herself feels reluctant for Wanderer to leave her body. 

I personally think that ‘love’ is the theme of this novel. There are many lessons taught in the novel. First of all, the world is overtaken by the soul because humans don’t love each other. Humans always cheat and tell lies according to the soul. They kill each other when they feel annoyed. Though it seemed cruel for the soul to invade into one people, the soul never killed among themselves. They trust and care of each other. Wanderer is a good example of all. She helps her host Melanie to find her brother and lover. She even lies to protect the human Kyle who was trying to kill her! She hates the Seeker but she persuades the humans not to kill it but let it go. In order to let her host Melanie to reunite with her lover Jared, Wanderer decides to sacrifice her own love with Ian and is willing to erase herself from Melanie's body and leaves to another world. She is really a very kind character.

So which book to read next? Jodi Picoult's book perhaps.
But...I think I have to stop reading and start my tedious homework. 
BB1M faster come, I create a really long book wishlist again! There are so many books I would like to own!! =D

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