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Saturday, February 12, 2011

this two days...

Me and my friends had been taking quite many photos this few days, so I am just posting them up as a memory :):)
candid shot by Fang Lee. Like it!

Wan Ting and I.
During IT for PJ class.

Yee Xien and I :)
Wearing formal but sportshoes at bottom due to BMK lectuter that not allow us to wear PJ shirt directly. LOL!

Fang Lee and I. In PJ teori class.

Not to forget to herald a great news!! I get the champion in Caligraphy competition in Maktab! I felt so glad to get it. Nobody understand how much I feel stressed to participate this competition. As I first stepped into the classroom where the competition was held, my friends 'promoted' me as the Champion in national caligraphy competition and made most of the seniors stared at me. I dont like to be the centre of attention as I easily felt embarrasing. I really scared I wont get any prizes in this competition because I truly know how cruel every single competition will be. No matter how impressive your work is, the prizes will be given to you or not is just depended on the tastes of the judges. It is fair yet cruel. Nervousity overwhelmed me and there is butterfly in my stomach. :X
Until I finally get it. I get the champion! My tension released. I get high-spirited when I heard the applause. Somehow, I will still work hard in caligraphy so that I can get prizes in most of the competition I take part. I hope that I can faster eliminate the obstacles I encounter in caligraphy now. -/\-
Gratz to my classmates, Yee Xien and Zhen Cong, who get the First runner-up in Card-making competition!! Clap clap!!! We donated part of the money we get to the old folks house. YAY! :D
Friends and I with my caligraphy works :))

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