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Friday, April 29, 2011
Another hangout with BC2
Again, we hangout in BP Mall and we had pizza as our dinner together. Our another class picha!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Girl!!! Dont ever look down at yourself anymore. Your height and beauty are what we keen so much but will never get. But, good result is what you can achieve if you put in more effort. Be more confidence and sure you can do it well. Gambateh together lo!! Muacks.... \^0^/
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
PINK sushi day :)
We joined it on the second day of the promotion. We all rushed for it once we were informed that the Gerko class at 4pm was cancelled. Thanks Yee Xien for the car and Jx senior for fetching us out. We no need to walk out under the merciless afternoon sun. :P
We reached BP mall at around 5pm and we no need to queue up because there's less people eating in this moment. I could still remembered we queued up for half an hour last year! :O
Somehow, I couldnt break my last year record. I just ate 7 plates this time. And we didnt take much photo while eating. :(
The girls in PINK :)
With Ker Sing.
With Peh Yee.
Camwhoring in washroom. We were wearing PINK!! :D
Today wasnt that good luck. I was caught by HEP teacher due to the short skirt I was wearing. Bul*Sh*t her! My skirt was reaching knee and still she wanna rampas my matric card. I wasnt stupid. I gave her many excuses that I hadnt pull it nicely as I just walked out from toilet, the skirt is elastic, bla bla bla...whatever I can think of. :P Lastly she freed me as I acted to be so ko-lian and promised I wont wear it anymore next time. Anyway, I was fucking mind that she used the word 'memalukan' to describe my wear. I seriously dont know what so memalukan? I didnt rob, didnt steal, didnt F**K, what so embarrasing? I feel sorry for her close-minded. -__-#
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I cooked tonic soup that day and I gave some to the guys, this was my first time sharing what I cooked with the guys, luckily the comments wasnt bad. :) Yee Ching cooked the sweet patotoes soup too! I superb like it. Thanks :D Out of a day, I had tried 4 food in dorm. Full with satisfaction. Whee x)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
After your call...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Trip to Tg. Piai

Friday, April 8, 2011
我哭了。压抑在心中好久的情绪终于宣泄出来了。我真得很伤心。有种被排斥的感觉。他们总是在一起,我呢?我不希罕的。少1、2个朋友有什么了不起。我的世界还有大把人。就算全世界都讨厌我,我还有我自己。朋友不用多,真心的哪怕只有一个都够了。我真的受够了!从小到大,从来都是被拥护的。为什么来到这里会变成这样!我竭尽所能对别人好,煮东西、借东西,我有什么做错了!然而因为他们,我的自信心受损。很多时候,我会觉得自己是不是真的很坏,是不是身边的朋友都讨厌我,他们是不是只是表面地对我笑,他们会不会暗地里也再说我的坏话。好多好多~我的心已经无法符合,我觉得我快疯了,快人格分裂了。我给我自己的正面思想好像已经无法让自己重拾信心。很多时候,我因为自己的外表不敢与别人互动,导致越来越没有信心,越来越不勇敢。所以,每次我总是呆在宿舍,自己一个人,不想参人,因为只有那个时候我以自己为中心。我是不是真得很没有用?一点点小事只会哭。可是如果连哭都不能,我真的不知道自己还能怎么办。因为从小的自愿才会选择这条捷径,来到师训。结果上天的确是公平的,他给了我平坦的大道,却给我人性的真实考验。我想如果当初继续读matric升大学,或许路是难走些,但或许人际关系好过些,起码现在的我是开心些的。我真得很后悔。如果还在哪儿,我会很快乐,因为我pracmate都对我很好很好和归属感的gang。或许幻想都是美好的。我真得很想很想他们和我的兄弟姐妹,如果你们在我身边,我就不用暗自流泪,我就可以肆无忌惮地倒在你们怀里大哭一场。相信我,我快人格分裂了。快一年了,我还无法爱上这里。语言已经无法诠释我的想法。我的心很压抑很辛苦我很喘头很痛眼睛很酸,我期待在这一刻有人在我身边传递给我纸巾给我个拥抱告诉我我是他的好朋友肯定我的存在。。。 PS:谢谢mummy总会给我安慰,然而在这个地方有太多的说话顾忌,我好想家。你们说要来找我,我说不用,因为我不想给你们添麻烦,任凭我真的很想你们。眼角干了又湿,干了又湿,干了又湿,却无法放声哭喊好辛苦 T___T