Again, we hangout in BP Mall and we had pizza as our dinner together. Our another class picha!!
Well, I still couldnt break my record last year which was 8 plates. After I satisfied with 6 plates sushi, we Ran back to pizza hut to have our set pizza which was ordered earlier. Salute to my big big stomach which could fill in 6 plates of sushi and 1 piece of pizza at once. *My friends' records were 14 plates sushi for guys and 13 plates sushi for girls* O.o
We continued to snap for more pichas after we finished our meal.
With Yee Ching. Sometimes, she could be as serious and normal as this *Photo above*
But, MOST of the times, she is super crazy and her hobby is molesting us. :S
Her exaggerating emotion below xD
Back to college at 8pm, considered not very late. Thanks Dr. Chong for kindly give us tumpang his car from gate to dorm. We save lotsa walking steps. Luckily I bathed immediately after I back. There was no more water supply around 9pm. Terrible!! Life without water supply sucks man!
At night, we gave the gift to Ker Sing. I could feel she is touched by the card and gift - The ugly Barnie. Haha x)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Girl!!! Dont ever look down at yourself anymore. Your height and beauty are what we keen so much but will never get. But, good result is what you can achieve if you put in more effort. Be more confidence and sure you can do it well. Gambateh together lo!! Muacks.... \^0^/
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Girl!!! Dont ever look down at yourself anymore. Your height and beauty are what we keen so much but will never get. But, good result is what you can achieve if you put in more effort. Be more confidence and sure you can do it well. Gambateh together lo!! Muacks.... \^0^/
虽然你没有我的高度…可是你头脑里的知识和智慧是我的无数倍..我有的只是外壳 TT
HAHA what la ~ That's when I saw something 刺激 kay !! haha
this Yam Chong Yee Ching!!~~~ ><
(Jing Chan)
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