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Saturday, November 30, 2013



此外,符永刚博士还特地把我叫到一旁给我指点,我也很荣幸有这个机会!听他指点的时候,我一直强忍着泪水。他是我很敬佩的人,由于他太厉害了,是书法界的大阿哥,在厉害的人面前我显得非常渺小所以我很容易手足无措,脸都青了。像听到开示这般,我就很容易会哭。*没用+不勇敢的我,呵呵* 很荣幸他愿意花时间讲解我的弱点给我听,但其实听了指点蛮难过的。我难过不是因为批评,我明白有批评才有进步,我难过是因为自己总是做不好,瓶颈一直一直都没闯过去,这么多年了,我知道自己都在原地打转,我未必是最努力的那个但我真的有付出过,可是...... 他告诉我不要再学这样的字形了,再这样下去只是浪费时间*直中红心,我知道一直都在浪费时间*,应该学会传统的碑帖如乙瑛碑、张迁碑、曹全碑等等,待基础更扎实了才步入这种创作阶段,否则只是转牛角尖。



Monday, November 25, 2013

My Sister's Keeper

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
Worth reading: ★★ (8/10)
Reason: The twist at the end - astonishing!

It was like finally I had finished reading this novel. I get attracted when I first read through the synopsis last year and decided to buy it using my book voucher this year. I started reading it during my June holidays? I couldn't really remember. I couldn't stop reading as I want to know more about it but too bad I stopped when a new semester started over. Pause for a long while and finally I continued it this holidays. I was a bit disconnected and feel bored in reading coz I forgot some details and character in the beginning but somehow the words used by the author are simple and brought me back to the story itself. 

"The only way to save your daughter is to sacrifice her sister. What would you do?"
Is this sentence strong enough to arouse your curiosity? It did for my case! This story is about Fitzgerald family designed baby Anna to save their elder daughter Kate who is diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia by taking her marrow each time when Kate get relapsed. And Anna decided to file a lawsuit to sue her parents for the rights to her own body when she is asked to donate her kidney when she is thirteen.

The story is very attractive coz you keep desperate to know how the story develops. Anna loves her sister and how could she be so cruel by refusing to help her sister and what is her reason behind? Anna is Fitzgerald's daughter too but how come her parents always take care of Kate only and never think of Anna's will? What happened to the family's relationship when the daughter sues her parents? How the author ends this story - will Anna donate her kidney?

I personally love the last part of the novel about the scene in the court. The scene is so clear like you're watching a drama as you can imagine how the lawyer and the mama protest their view vividly. This story is touched because you will get to know how everyone thinks over the same incident as the author uses the first person view for several characters. It is really touched in the end when I know that Anna refused to donate her kidney is not because of her selfishness, but her love towards her sister. She wants to stop her sister from living such terrible life by going to hospital often to undergo medical treatments. 'Ten years from now, I'd like to be Kate's sister.', this sentence nearly makes me cry.

When you're doubtful how this story gonna end when the lawsuit is done and Anna is declared to be medically emancipated from her parents, she died. I was really shocked by this twist! I re-read 3 times to make sure I am not misunderstanding the story. She died in an accident when she back from the court and without further thinking, you know her kidney will be donated to save her sister Kate. Although the ending is out of expectation, it is really a suitable ending. I cant think of any other suitable ending because if she donates her kidney at last what for she fights so hard throughout the whole story? And if she doesn't, it is cruel and sad to see her own sister dies isn't it?. So, I really respect the brilliance of the author for giving this story such an astonishing ending. 

In this book, you will see the care between parents and children. the love between sisters. the responsible and trust between lawyer and client, the courage and independence of a thirteen-year-ole. And the most important thing is the life and death and morality. Grab this book because it is thoughtful and worth reading. =)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The meaningful event 2013 大马好 Marvellous Malaysia



Well, 7点启程,11点多到Shah Alam Indoor Stadium,我好累。没有熟悉的朋友已经很闷了,睡眠不足让我更闷了,整个提不起劲。之后像傀儡似地被工作人员带来带去,好晕。我没有被筛选到在arena part跳韵律舞,说真的有小小失望,是自己做得不够好吗?但我相信菩萨给我的永远是最好的安排。最后,我被安置在2B1的区域。我不需要像arena的表演者跑来跑去地练习,还能正对舞台看表演,我更珍惜自己的所在位置,绝不是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸心理。


整组人的抱怨:为什么我们拿白衣?为什么跟观众一样白衣?colour T很美,我也要colour T!!! ><
Get ready to kick off the show!

we are one
沿途再多障碍 我们一样爱
相信明天的光更缠烂地盛开  ----------《呼唤爱》

在嗔恨之处 散播慈悲的种子
在仇视之处 施与宽恕的谅解
在怀疑之处 培养信心的力量
在黑暗之处点燃 般若的火花
在失意之处 提出未来的希望
在忧伤之处 赠与喜乐的安慰
只要根不坏 荒地也能开花
只要心不死 绝处也能逢生 ----------《希望》


我们跳了5只律动舞,全场都好HIGH! 我觉得好开心自己能参与这么棒的活动!喊得很大声,拍掌也很大声,整个人超HIGH!一个人也可以很high很兴奋,但如果有朋友就更棒了,下次一定要拉更多朋友一起来玩。=D


Too bad the photo was not taken coz I was part of the members, but it was really pretty through the screen. The figure of the lotus flower was formed when every of us cooperated to arrange these lights on the floor according to the markings.
 座无虚席,全场一起喊Encore !!

星云大师出现了!我哭了!当我看到一个87岁的老人家奔波劳碌只为了宣扬佛法,那是一种精神象征,那种精神很值得我们学习,我哭了。T_T 他说自己没读什么书,但只要我们设定目标,了解自己的自身条件,多听多看,我们一定能达至目标!虽然距离他本尊有一段距离,但仍然是在眼前,我好雀跃。我一定要向他学习,那份好学的心。




结束了,原本以为就这么结束了。没想到早上还能见到星云大师多一面,而且是超级近距离的一面!*谢谢菩萨*原本还能和他来张大合照,但他开示后马上离开了,留下很愕然的我们,我们可是排队型排了好久好久*半个钟多吧?*  哈哈

第一:我很开心和matric的朋友Lily重逢!我在KMPP第一次的outing是和她一起出去的呢~原本还很担心没话聊,但却一见如故。很喜欢她在台上的hip hop表演,很棒很厉害呢!遗憾是没能和她拍照她就回了。真希望我们还能再见,拍张照。^__^
第四:我没有更用心地交朋友,我还是改不掉自己那闷骚的性格,心里明明很想认识更多人,但是脸上依然淡定。我要学习一位师父说的要时常微笑,久而久之就会自然了。“投入才能深入,付出才会杰出,磨练才能熟练,耐烦才能超凡” #


~ END ~

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I am so into this: Overnight Oatmeal =P

This is another new recipe for my dinner!!
The only disadvantage of this meal is it is supposed to be served cold and you know having cold food from fridge everyday is BAD especially for girls! I experienced the worst period pain last week 'coz I drank cold soya with cereal everyday at home. :(
But it is still considered clean diet that you may try it once in a while when life is dull.

  1. Pour 250ml milk into a jar. (I choose V-soy.)
  2. Add in 10g/ 2 tablespoons of Chia Seeds. (This is what make one thinner, I guess.)
  3. Add in oats as much as you like. (I choose Quaker oats and I add a lot because I like sticky things.)
  4. Add in half cup of yogurt to make it thicker.
  5. A: Add protein powder if you want your oatmeal to be thick and sticky. (250ml soya makes everything thin and I dont like) / B: Add in milk if you like watery things?
  6. Mix well, shake well in the sealed jar and left it in the fridge overnight.
  7. Serve with any fruits that you like the next morning. Sweet and soft fruits recommended so that the oatmeal wont be tasteless. (I tried mango and banana these few days and it tasted like heaven.)
5 more days to freedom! 
Hope every paper goes smooth and holidays come faster. :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Escape to Cafe 1988 :)

Well, I always envy those who could dine in some nice cafe and having nice photo of nice foodie. I like to read foodporn blog post. They gave me the chance to eat yummylicious food through my eyes. Seriously I need some escape from those piles of notes coz they are simply too bored and heavy. I want to digest food but not notes, please! I need to have fresh air fresh breath from outside. I am stuck at home and green spot grown around. To be exact, I am rotten. So, today, I had my little escape with my bestie and her sister in Cafe 1988.

It is a new cafe in Muar town. It is actually a small little inconspicuous shop by the roadside, in between two old dilapidated shops. My favourite Wanton noodles was being sold here before it was renovated and turned into this lovely cafe now. I heard my friends commented that the food here is quiet expensive but still I would like to have a try here.
I would immediately think of her everytime I want to have nice food and I dont know why. 
 Too bad the seats inside were too limited and we were asked to sit outside.
Luckily it was a cloudy day.
The comfy site.
Some simple retro decorations inside.
 Fiona and Joey.
*Spot the seats and the bicycle deco*
 My Cappuccino @Rm10.
I am not a real coffee lover. What I could describe overall is it is smooth and I hope it could make me stay alert.
Fiona's Viennese Coffee @Rm11.
It tastes similar like my cappuccino, just the milk above makes it sweeter. 
Joey's Mint Chocolate with marshmallow @Rm11.
Fiona's Chicken Alfredo @Rm18.
A bit too dry.
 Joey's Squid and Chicken @Rm19.
This is also quite dry but actually not bad with the chilli powder.
 My Creamy Squid @Rm19.
 It is stated as House Special on the menu so I ordered it. It is heavenly delicious as you know I am a Carbonara lover! Every carbonara makes me feel blessed. Ya, it is actually carbonara with squid juice, salty a bit, less cheesy abit. The squid nearly made my choke!
 And it makes my lips DIRTY even though I ate very carefully already.
 Selca when we finished.
It's time to back to reality and face the book!
*But I'm still blogging. :P*