I refused to learn and to apply any make up last time.
I was feeling alright to bring my naked face even my friends make up gorgeously whenever we hanged out.
I just felt not necessary and troublesome.
I would even blame my friends for spending so much time to do make up before hanging out.
But before I was going to graduate from Uni, I finally learnt it from them.
I admit I want to make some change, to turn out prettier.
Somehow the main reason is because I felt that was the right timing.
I acted like a student when I was a student. And I felt it wasn't necessary for students to make up. *Narrow Mindset*
And since I am going to step into a real adulthood, working life, no more a kid but a teacher, I think that is the time I should at least learn some basic make up. Not for everyday outing, but at least I could do it when I attend some parties or during some occasions. As people said, make up is considered kind of manners?
Yup, that is why I learnt.
Thanks to my girls for being my guru and never mean to teach and always want me to turn pretty.
I always feeling grateful when I think of it. xoxo
I am going to introduce my very basic cosmetic collections in this post.
But before that, let me just show you some vain photos of mine, with and without make up.

This is how I draw on my face during normal hanging out session.
Just eyebrow and lip balm.
This is my naked face.
As you can see, I got no much eyebrow and my lip colour is kinda pale.
I did my first time doing my own make up and it was under gurus' guiding, telling me what to do.
The only selfie I took that night.
This was the second time I did my own make up. And this time, there wasn't anybody guiding me and helping me anymore. It was such a mess!
But anyway, my friends praised me 'coz I just pick up the make up skill real fast and I can do a full make up on my face *including apply the fake eyelashes and double eyelid on my face* without help already. And the outcome isn't too bad. I am sometimes proud of myself. Maybe my calligraphy and drawing skill help? lol
Those compliments boost up my confidence.
And now let me introduce what I own in my make up bag.
I think these are enough for a make up beginner.
First of all a hippo and a phone BB Cushion.
I picked BB Cushion because I read about a passage saying BB cushion can replace those primer, bb/cc cream, liquid foundation, concealer. BB Cushion has all-in-one function. I am not so sure about that but since I seldom make up, I just pick one to replace all and save some money up. XD
I am using Laneige Pore Control No. 13 True Beige.
I found this colour is a bit too bright for my skin when I first applied. But it blends well with my skin after a while.
I picked this colour because that is the only colour on Hermo.
You're right, I bought from Hermo during sale at RM125+. A refill package came with it.
I seldom use this. I wonder when could I finish this?
Second, Maybelline Big Eyes eye shadow.
I bought in Watson during sale. So not more than 40 bucks if not mistaken.
The colour is so nice and easy to match with whatever outfit. It suits beginners.
It is very easy to apply follow the guidance at the back of the box and a pair of BIG eyes is done. ★
Seldom use this too.
Mascara is also one of the items that I seldom apply.
My friend bought it during buy one free one sale, so it isn't more than 20 bucks.
Also this also comes from Maybelline.
Etude house bling bling eye stick #1 Shooting Star.
I applied this when I went for dinner to make my eyes looked shining and stunning.
The colour is quite obvious and I really like the shining effect.
Also came from Etude House Play 101 Pencil #2
There are a wide variety of colour to pick and it can be use as eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and so on depends on the colour you choose.
I picked this red one to use as blush. It can be use as lipstick also but I never use it as a lipstick.
I just draw few stripes on my cheek and use my fingers to gently rub it off to create the blusher effect.
My lipstick collections!!
Laneige two tone lipstick from Althea. Bought during buy one free one promotion so it is only at about rm40. Super duper cheap! My friend yc loves the effect so much. It really looks great on her lips. But I feel so-so because I am not very pro at applying it.
What I usually apply on my lips is the Sugar Tint Balm from Etude House! It really moisture your lips and the reddish-orange/ orangey-red is really nice and super natural. Love this a lot!
Last but not least. Something I can't live without. Eyebrow pencil!!!
I watched a lot of makeup tutorials from Youtube, the Youtubers draw their eyebrow using eyebrow pencil, powder and colour mascara but I am a newbie I only use eyebrow pencil.
I tried Etude House colour gray brown before and it was quite good.
And I found this baby It's Skin eyebrow pencil from Hermo one day. It is cheaper than Etude House so it is worth a try. I am using #02 Dark Brown. I really love it and repurchase twins pack #02 and #04 Gray Brown at only RM19.90!!
I found this is better than E.H. as the colour is more obvious and the brush is softer. I personally find that it can be used longer compared to the E.H. one. Had been 3-4 months and still a long stick of it.
Strongly recommend this if you are searching a cheap and good eyebrow pencil.
So these are my collections and sharing.
I am still very new to make up world so my opinions are just opinions. Ha!
See you next post! Ciao!