I was overwhelmed with nervousity when those family in Kundang Ulu having lucky draw to pick us as their children. I prayed hard so that I could get a wealthy family. At last I get the uncle auntie who looked fierce and arrogant. I was scared. Looking forward to go back home but my hope to be staying in Big Big house broke when the car stopped in front of a wooden house. My dream to be a Prima Donna Missy still as a dream, a daydream. That night, I didnt join the buffet with friends. My adopted parents brought me to Muar as they got something on in Muar. So and so, I was given a precious chance to go back home! My real home. XD So happy and shed a tear when I back to house and saw my aunts. :") Somehow, one hour flew and I gonna back to my adopted house and continued my BIG.

Breakfast bought by Godfather. Super abundant that I could hardly finished. :)
Walked to school and met my friends like finally I gotta meet them. It was like newly school reopen day after a long holidays. We kept asking where are you staying, how is your parents, and so and so. I gave sweets prepared by my Godparents to my friends. They prepared a goodies bag filled with bread, sweets, oranges, apples, mooncake for me!! That's so sweet of them. :D
I was picked as a teacher/ tutor for the motivation session. This session was just like a tuition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students. Since I am in Chinese Option, I was asked to teach Chinese with another 9 friends while Malay and English were taught by TESL trainees. The session was fun when the students were asked to find the picture card hidden and guess a proverb according to the picture.
During the class.
Thanks to teaching tuition session, I wasnt afraid and nervous.
Keep calm and be a good teacher. :)
Did some practise and rehearsal for the Malam Persembahan. Sukaneka were started at 4pm. I was selected as the team leader in the games to bring the students station to station. Thanks to my seniors who kindly asked me to help in their motivation camp, I had the experience to guide the students well this time and enable to think of an encouraging slogan for my PINK team.
"Pink, pink, pink, 拼命到底一定赢!Yay~~~" it sounded like this. *\^_^/*

There is Ker Sing and my roomie's Godsister *The girl on right*
There is Poh Choo and Shin Phing's super handsome Godbrother *The boy on bottom left*
There is my sweet neighbour who gave me mooncake during dinner time *The second boy from left*
There is a six-year-old small girl *Spot the tiny!!*
To conclude, the students in my team were sporty and they really tried their very best in 6 stations. This brought us to THE THIRD PLACE!!
There was a lot of performances at night. I was the drama script writer and so I didnt go on stage. Was touched because my Godsister closed her saloon so that she was able to rush here to support us!!
"姐姐,我们晚上有表演,如果你放工了就来看哦!" I wrote.
“没空都要赶回去啊。” She replied. :")
With Yee Ching the Indian moi *due to the drama*

With le roomie :)

MY FAMILY for 3 days.
My God niece asked to sleep in the same room with us the last night we were there. When I asked her what is her ambition, she said that she wants to be a doctor because she wants to help and save people. Hope she would success in her life! She kept staring at me until I asked her to sleep so that she could wake up and join us the next morning.
Godsister brought us to have breakfast at a shop nearby. I swear that is the best black noodles I had ever tried! I dont like black noodles before but seriously I crave for it now!! Afterwards she accompanied us to the school for aerobic session. Again, I was touched when see Godparents rushed back from Kluang. Because of us, they went Kluang real early around 4 am to send things there so that they manage to back and join our activity. T___T
After the aerobic session, we were given 1 hour to back to our house for the last time. :(

My God-niece 唐芯 :)

This was the wooden house I stayed for 2 nights. This was the very first time I stayed in rumah papan. It was a rare experience for a town girl like me. I will definitely come back again!

With Yee Xien and Peh Yee

With Choo Choo.

Oops, my batik left at home. >_<

Another photo with lovely family. =)
Thanks for taking care of us these 3 days. I learnt that money and wealth is not everything. I admitted that I used to envy my friends who get the richest family in the village for the first day, I felt sad because most of them staying in normal house, I am the only one stayed in wooden house, I have to share bedroom with sister, but the envious getting lesser and diminished at last when I felt the love and care from my family.
Though my friends get the richest family, their parents treat them so-so or even robbed by some silly girls due to the wealth. Though my family might not be the richest family, they treat us with sincerity. They treated us like their own child. They sacrificed their working time and come to the school to support us. We did not chat much like some other do, but the action itself is so obvious. That is what called 'LOVE'.
Because of staying in wooden house, I felt sad and so I learnt that as a teacher we must treat every students same without minding his/her family background. Every family is the same. There is only family with love or without, there isnt any family with wealth or without. A kid can grow up and develop with a healthy and positive mindset depends on how much love he/she gets, but not how much money he/she gets.
I am so glad that I was picked by this family as their daughter. I learnt so many things this time. This is a trip that enriched me mentally. I promised to come back and visit them whenever I am free. Thank you and I love you all, seriously, sincerely.