Just some updates about these few days life.
Started to write 'Chun Lian' as the preparation for donation. You might think it is abit crazy to prepare for next year CNY coz it is still a long way to go, but seriously thousands of writing needed to be prepare so I need to start my part earlier, in case I go travelling in year end holidays and no time to write?
And suddenly I felt like drawing. It had been 4 years since I last did my chinese painting and I never touch it at all throughout these 4 years. 'Busy' and 'No Materials' and 'No Inspiration' are the common excuses. Suddenly I got mood to draw so I went to the shop to buy new painting colour without second thought. I feel happy for myself. I believe that my Chinese Painting teacher will be happy when I show him my art works later on. Though the drawing aint as impressive as I want it to be, but I'm really happy because at least I realise my little urge in mind. *I am always a girl who think big but come out with nothing*
The lotus plant.
Feel like making an effect like camera shoot, focus on one flower in front and blur the behind one, but I think I fail. Coz too many flowers made this drawing a bit messy.
It is one of my favourite flower because it gives people cheerful feel. I asked my aunt to give me bouquet of sunflowers when I graduate because I found it symbolises a new bright future.
The source of inspiration and the outcome. The tomato.
Another inspiration. I found it looked quite alike, but the eyes part failed.
The Koala Bear in Australia. Mixture of Western thing and Chinese paint.

Force myself to read the novels but kinda lazy *AGAIN* and ended up sitting in front of my netbook and watch Running Man. And lastly my 3 years old netbook sick. It came out with scary noises and very lag. :( This situation had been carried on for half years + but I kept feel reluctant to change it, but my aunt was right, she said what happened if the thing suddenly went off and all my assignment gone when school reopen later. Thus, I bought a new lappie!! Love the new laptop but still feel sorry for my old baby which was given by my dad. I dont like it at first because I think it is too small and I know my complaint did hurt my dad. His expression was filled with sadness when I said I dont want. I used it at last. It accompanied me for 3 years, days and nights, throughout all my ups and downs. It contributes and work so hard everyday especially during the busiest assignment period. Thanks a lot baby, mama loves you still! I'm so proud of you because you are so small but still you can function like those big big laptop and you never hospitalized, only lag abit when I wanna find sth suddenly and made you feel nervous I know. LOL Mama really appreciate you and will still using you to watch drama haha

The 3 years old baby.
New love. It is in PINK!! ASUS Vivobook S200E which costs RM1599.
It is pretty cool due to the touch screen function. But this stupid mama still trying her best to get used to Windows 8. *I want MacBook Air badly btw but I guess I cant use it effectively, just use my brother's one enough. I scare troublesome and complicated things.*
So, thats how my first week of holidays ended. Another 2 weeks to meet newbies in college HAHA. But I still hope the time to creep, as slow as you can. (: *Dilemma, coz I wanna meet my nephews so much and my uncle's birthday dinner will be at the end of June* /: