Date: 30 July - 1 August 2011
Members: jC the teacher, Min babe the nutritionist, dear Yunying the accountant, mr Pow the doctor :)
Venue: Seremban and Port Dickson @ Negeri Sembilan
Another trip that we long awaited and susah-payah discussing in FB. The days came! Cheers! ^^
Jasmin and I took the 10.45am bus and headed to Seremban. I went Seremban once, to take part in calligraphy competition when I was Form 5, but I never visiting this town. So, I was so so excited about the trip! And the most important thing is to meet my dear friends again. :)
Reached Terminal 1 at nearly 1pm. Meet up with Pow and had our KFC lunch. Pow went for blood donation when we were having our lunch. I realised that I feel scare and disgusting when I saw blood. Keep think of Vampire Diaries and the scene Stefan and Demon suck the blood. Gosh, I felt so dizzy seeing blood @@
Met up with Ying and started our journey. We went to the first destination, Wu-Gong-Shan (蜈蚣山). Needless to say, the giant centipede is the landmark of this spot.
With the giant centipede :O

Kneel down and water sprayed out from the mouth of the goldfish. It is special and fun!
We took some photo there and proceed to the second place. The church. This is my first time entering a church in Malaysia. Amen~
Four of us inside the church. Nice!! :)
Self camwhore is a must for girl. Thanks for the sunray effect, we looked fair!
ps: Violet contact lens made my eyes so big. Muahaha *FAKE* XD
Ah Pow the priest. LOL!
With Jasmin my babe :)

With Ying. Sista forever :)
In front of the church. When nobody could help us to take photo, the one and only best way is to do self-chamwhore.
Have A&W root beer for hightea? Haha! Coz Mr Pow is starving~ :P
Root beer coke float is nice ^^
We then went to Huang-Jia-Shan. It is a park with a pond in the middle of it and make me think of the tasik in KMPP~ haha XD It is a good and romantic place I think coz we met two pairs of bride and groom taking wedding photos there. 
In front of the Old library. This buiding is really nice!!

At Taman Tasik Seremban :D
Dinner time!!! We had the Fish Head Bee-hoon. It is delicious!! *Mouth-watering again :P*
We met Hiao Wood and we went strolling in Jusco. Bought some food for the picnic on the next day. Back Ying's home and chatted and slept at nearly 2am! Haha XD
The next day, we woke up early and had our simple breakfast at Ying grandma's house. We then headed to Port Dickson. Before this, I used to think Port Dickson is a beach and now only know that it is a name of a daerah. Sweat me ==""
We went to Tanjung Tuan lighthouse in the beginning of the day. Walked for 400m jungle trekking road and it makes us so tired! We were gasping for air. LOL! God know how much I hate PJ :(

Well, it is a historical spot. It looked nice in the pure white paint. :)
YO! Blue Lagoon, we were coming!!! XD
It was my first time going beach with friends. I was so so excited!

Pretending berkayak on the muddy beach. :X
Immerse myself in water like this made my Ts and pants super dirty!! T__T

Crab crab crab! So cute :D

Star Friendship Forever yea buddies :D

Footsteps are left behind when we passby. And these were our footprints left in Blue Lagoon.


Indah water mud. Yuck!!! :P
Our product. Love it~ ^^
Candid shot by Pow, who non-stop texting sb throughout the whole trip. My first time see sb can keep himself so dry while all of his friends were wet like hell!!!
Had our simple spongecake lunch at the car. Going to Army musuem but accidentally saw the signboard writing PD Ostrich Showfarm at the roadside, so here we were!! This was the place mentioned in our discussion but we couldnt check the exactly location, but we were really lucky discover it was just at the roadside.
Pow took the ostrich ride. So brave!
I want to ride on it but it is so poor and I will be too heavy for it. LOL
The egg~~~
The animals in the showfarm. I love the rabbits the most!! They were just so CUTE!!!
I scare of ostrich. It's head was like snake! *Trembling*
Feeding time!! I dare not feed the animal, not even the tame goat. They all seemed to be so violent to me. :(
After that, we went to Army Musuem. This is a place where really worth visiting. This place is free of charge, fixed with air-con, showing lotsa tanks and history~

Lukut Lucky Curry Bread. The bread is very soft and the curry is very yummy!! Nom nom.
Since it was still early and we dont feel like going back home yet, we went to S2 City Park.
After back Ying's house, we continued our pillow talk. It is really nice to chat! Chat with Ying until 2.40am!
Special thanks to Yunying and Pow for entertaining us this time. I know you guys had put in lotsa efforts in finding the destinations that are worth visiting. THANK YOU!!! After these 3 days, I realise that both Yunying and Pow are not quiet anymore. The awkwardness that I scared we might be having before the trip are all extra worry coz we totally never face this problem. We chit-chatted alot and laughed like nobody business during the trip. I miss those happy moments. I really do hope we could have another trip hanging out together no matter when. Many of my friends said our frienship is cool coz I was just one month studying in KMPP and our friendship lasts! We are so close to each other and had two trips already, even old friends might not have experience what we had. I appreciate you guys alot and hope our hearts always bonded as well as our friendship everlasting!!! Love you guys and keep praying the next time we could gather and have fun together again. ^^