we chit-chat,eating,posting,taking photo,n karaokae..so nice!!haha
wina n me!!wif d red pillow..
woon yee n mee is EAT-ing..yummy^ ^
posting?wina n me..i m sooooo short!!sob~~
woon yee n me!!she is a nice gal oo..kaka
wina n me..d math genius!!
here is 3 of us..
again 3 of us n my pretty calligraphy..haha^^(so hao-lien)
now is ME!!with my pretty good work..hahahahahaha
wina,woon yee,n me(woon yee keep on complain she had 2 squat down)
woon yee n me wif d bright red pillow
both of them are sooooo nice!!n oso clever n oways top d class..hope dat i can influence by them n increase sum genius!!haha..frenship 4eva oo!!
keep on adding d picture~~jz wait la..
2morow still go out!!wif my primary school frens..nice!