bye lovely hangzhou..
now i m goin 2 WU-ZHEN(乌镇)(3th station)
b4 arrive wuzhen,we arrived a tol n there got dis:菊花茶

i saw a cute plant there..d fruit can be eaten..use 4冰糖葫芦 like small apple..

dis is a 2 entrance..see nt?left 4 ur work nright 4 fa cai(money money come)

dis is a place where d wine is made(酿酒)..when u juz walk in,feel quite a good unfortunately NOT..sour sour de smell..YUCK~~

beautiful wuzhen(NOT WUZHUN!!)

din u feel dat dis bridge hv been seen b4?dis is d bridge dat SHE take their mv:中国话

boat?or sampan??vry horrible..goyang sini n sana~~

gam gam under d bridge..d sunlight there look vry warm n com4table,rite??

finally finish d sampan journey..10 12 kill horrible..nearly cry!!my tour guide said dat i m d 1st dat said dis sampan is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E!!serious la!!

my bc teacher:puan new n me..both of us like PINK!!yup,dis is d new jacket dat i bought in
actually wuzhen still gt a lot of place bt d time nt allowed us 2 visit.n i gt some more pics bt lazy 2 upload..if i m free..mayb??bt conclusion is IT IS A NICE TOWN @^^
SU-ZHOU(苏州) (4th station)
after bout 2 hrs..i finally arrived suzhou..dat is oso an attractive place!!
my tour guide miss wang(王颖姐姐)n me

b4 entering d slanting tower..d maple leaves are so nice..look like japan?


a bit slanting..0.2degree

actually dis slanting tower is more slanting b4 n it is same age as lei-feng-ta,but later d lei-feng-ta collapse ady but hu-qiu slanting tower still remain,d government then repair d tower n move it 2 correct position..
after that we visit han-san-si(寒山寺)..han san is 1 of d monk in dis temple,after he die ppl rename dis temple 2 remember him..coz d day is dark so i in take any photo,it will keep in my brain n heart...
after visiting dis 2 interesting places,i went 2 eat..2day meal is special^^

大闸蟹..coz i m sensitive 2 crab so cant eat..
go shopping again..bought a nice bag!!
n 3rd is Zzz~~~~~~