after 2hrs from muar 2 KL,i finally boarded in d aeroplane..
me on d plane..d sky still dark..
o my god,really a vry long time in plane..cant sleep comfortable..vry pity!!
but after bout 6hrs finally arrived lovely country...IT'S CHINA!!^^
wooooo..such a nice is d time entering winter season,so d whether there is quite cool!!
it is quite strange 4 me who come from a hot2 country..really vry hard 4 us 2 imagine how cold's juz like stay in d air-con room,bt it is colder than dat..nice^^
i arrived ady!!yeah..
so cooooool..really hard 2 get use 2 it..oways ask my auntie about 'r they open air-con?','really their real temperature like dat?'...o stupid ques..hehe
IN SHANGHAI..(1st station)
arrived at bout 7.ooam..
we went simple breakfast 1st..
after dat we went shopping in cheng-huang-miao(城隍庙)..
nothing much bout dat place..
yup!!suddenly remember!!there gt a lot of beggars!!so angry when mention bout them..
they r sooooooo horrible!!1 group of them suddenly rust 2 u n beg 4 money n food!!
n d MOST ANGRY!they called me AUNTIE..mummy..i gt sooo OLD meh??sob~~
dun 1 2 giv money dun say i m nt kind la..i m quite angry bt nt dat reason 2 cause medin giv them money..IS CANNOT..if i gave 1 ppl money them o of them will rush over me..then FINISH la me.......
HANGZHOU(2nd station)
my tour guide(地陪)-miss chen(陈姑娘)n me..
dat is a nice place^^combine relax n busy life in 1 place.
if u drive bout 2-3 mins u will see lot of green plant(柳树n枫叶)n xi-hu(西湖) drive drive..n u will relise dat duno from wat time suddenly tall2 buildings is around u..n d air is fresh!!
nice^^nt me bt d background
岳飞(dark2..cant see)
at night..we went 2 watch show(宋城表演)..
d pentas can b 'open' 1..even is indoor 1!!nice..
vry NICE oo..
nice till 2000 ppl(3 times 1 day),oso must book ticket bout 2 weeks ago..
dat night is VERY COOOOLD!!!help..................
1st day finish liao..CRY!!Zzz ..........
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