Nuffnang Ad
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Black Thursdayyyy...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
bad mood..
haiz..long time din go sien!!
actually i noe i wouldnt get prize de la..cause ppl in kluang din admire my writing..
ya..i m sooooo clever!!it is o under my expectation..
i really din get prize bt i m nt very sad..serious!!no feel..
coz every1's judgement is different..they din like my writing oso nt mean dat my writing is lousy..
i m NO.! in my heart..n i think dat is enough..
n why still in bad mood n low spirits leh??
coz 1 of m she my fren?duno..
really dun like dat fellow la..
if she win me den she n her mum will talk n smile 2 me..
if i win her,then their face..walao till like bao-gong ar!!
n they oways like 2 say sth 2 hurt me..
hate them sooooooooo much!!
she gt NO1 in dat competition..
n every1 is busy 2 flatter them..
YUCK!!so disgustive..really 12 muntah!!
n12 find sb 2 sms n share my feelings ..dat person din reply me!
can i still be dat fellow's fren..
everytime nt happy o wat find me n complain 2 me..
bt when i 12find dat fellow,where??cant find!missing..angry..
lets cut d frenship!!
fren?really can b a good audience n accompany o d time happy n sad?
nvr mind la..past is past..
after write dis post mood bcome better!!
2morow will b better!!
jc,aza aza!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
d china trip is i fill it back 1..coz dat is really a unforgetable n sweet memory..
i would like 2 open a blog coz when everytime see ppl blog,feel vry nice..
i a normal gal..n i like 2 share my feelings with ppl..
sometime no place 4 me 2 share my innermost feelings..
n oso nobody willing 2 b my audience..
there4 i can write down my feelings here..
my english is quite lousy,so i will mix my post with chinese..
if got anyone relise my error pls give comments 2 me..
i hope can write more in english..n hope can improve it 2!!
thx 4 everyone comments..
dis is my
u can msn me n oso view my frenster..
hope support oo!!^^
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
7th day..last day..need 2 say bye-bye 2 beautiful China..cry~~
i went 2 visit Song Qing Ling's(sun yat sen's wife) grave
puan new,me,n song qing ling's image
after dat i went 2 jade buddha temple(玉佛寺) pics
later went 4 lunch..d restoran is special oo..d waiters there o wear skating shoes n skate over 2 send d dishes..special rite?
my tour guide小陆,my auntie,me tour guide in shanghai(地陪)mr.ruan(圆圆),n bus driver小王) ..outside d restoran..
later i got only 45mins 2 go shopping in NAN-JING-ROAD(南京路)..only 45mins..juz look around d bookshop there..din buy any books..sad sad..
i took d fastest train in d world 2 go pudong airport..
bye bye china......although i left u ady but u will oways live in my brain n heart..i ill remember dis sweet memory 4ever!!hope i got chance 2 visit china n meet my tour guide^^love o of them coz they took good care 4 spite of only noe them 4 1-2 days i will still remember them n keep in touch wif them..
love china n d whether there sooooooooo much^^
Monday, November 26, 2007
6th day
清明上河图 _________________________________________________________________
travelling back 2 shanghai..take so long time..bout a whole afternoon stay in d tired!@_@
after dinner i went 2 admire d night scenery in shanghai..vry sui ar!!
东方明珠电视塔n i
shanghai night view n i(so dark de face)bt d view is pretty*_*
my auntie n i
Sunday, November 25, 2007
5th day
tai-hu n me..
NAN-JING(南京)(6th station)
so many leg~~sob
it is ZHONG-SAN-LING中山陵(dr.sun yat sen's grave..beautiful view)
in 'pasar malam' 夫子庙..d ice-cream is vry yummy mc-donald ice-cream bt got many flavors n cheap 2!!^^
Zzz at dis hotel..vry com4table oo..状元楼..我住了会不会中状元呢??呵呵
Saturday, November 24, 2007
4th day in CHINA!!
d 1st place we went is WANG-SHI-YUAN(网师园)
dis place is a nt garden ba?is ppl's house(宅)long long time ago..
it is d smallest garden in actually it is vry huge..
if i walk there alone,i muz b sesat!!MUST!
really cant imagine d biggest garden is how big~~
nowaday a room combines many uses:reading,drawing,sleeping...
bt last time ppl got 1 room 4 reading,1 room 4 sleeping.....n it is quite a distant!!
n bye-bye..go2 WU-XI(无锡)(5th station)..
d actual name is you-xi(有锡),coz d bahan mentah there r a lot of wars last time..
so d ppl change its name 2 wu-xi..hope dat dis place can b peaceful..
d 1st place i visit is LING-SHAN-DA-FO(灵山大佛)
dis buddha is bout 88m height!!
my wu-xi tour guide(地陪)fandy n i
later we went 2 d teapot-making place(紫砂壶)..
bt photo is nt allowed 2 taken there..
d teapot there is artistic!!bt quite expensive..
is dis building beautiful??d light oways change color..vry nice oo...
Friday, November 23, 2007
3rd day~~~
gam gam under d bridge..d sunlight there look vry warm n com4table,rite??
finally finish d sampan journey..10 12 kill horrible..nearly cry!!my tour guide said dat i m d 1st dat said dis sampan is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E!!serious la!!
my bc teacher:puan new n me..both of us like PINK!!yup,dis is d new jacket dat i bought in
b4 entering d slanting tower..d maple leaves are so nice..look like japan?
a bit slanting..0.2degree
actually dis slanting tower is more slanting b4 n it is same age as lei-feng-ta,but later d lei-feng-ta collapse ady but hu-qiu slanting tower still remain,d government then repair d tower n move it 2 correct position..
after that we visit han-san-si(寒山寺)..han san is 1 of d monk in dis temple,after he die ppl rename dis temple 2 remember him..coz d day is dark so i in take any photo,it will keep in my brain n heart...
after visiting dis 2 interesting places,i went 2 eat..2day meal is special^^
大闸蟹..coz i m sensitive 2 crab so cant eat..
go shopping again..bought a nice bag!!
n 3rd is Zzz~~~~~~