Date: 23 - 26 April 2012
Venue: Teluk Gorek, Mersing, Johor.
Participants:BC2, Pra-sekolah, RBT members :)
Finally it was our turn for the first time of BIG! The word BIG isn't a new term for us as we heard our seniors mentioned about it the first day we were in IPTHO. But according to them BIG is an interesting yet super tiring activity. We have to do jungle trekking, water confidence etc which are real exhausting. Since then I was looking forward to this event, but also feel nervous and scare about it as I am a total sports idiot and I hate outdoor activities alot. ><
Well, the day came.
After about 3 - 4 hours travelling, finally we reached the spot.
Having our take-away-meal before we kicked off our first activity.
Taking photo before everything get started at the seaside. The scenery there was really nice!
The first activity we had there was making own raft by using the materials given: 6 PVC pipes and 2 barrels. We developed our tolerance and unite spirit when making the raft. My group members were all very good in making the raft and made me feel sad because I couldnt help at all. Thanks to them! :)
After completing the raft, we continued with the second activity which was also the activity I looking forward the most. Water confidence!!! That means we were going down the sea and play water :D I liked that the most because I learnt swimming before and I not really scared of water. Plus we were wearing safety jacket so I dont think we will be in danger. Yet, quite a numbers of my friends scared of water. We held each other and walked slowly into the sea. The sea water was cool and the wind caressed us, it was really comfortable and relaxing. We learnt to float on the water and relax our mind. We learnt some swimming technique and had water war between boys and girls too. It was fun!! XD
It was evening and dinner time, so we gonna off from water and took a bath and had our dinner. It was one of the most delicious meal among all. We had spicy sotong and eggs and vege. My first time eating using hands. Cool experience ^ ^ We had a talk and ice breaking session after that. We sang song "Masihkah kau ingat". Anyway the talk about choosing your job was quite a bored one. I felt it is quite useless coz what for we learnt how to choose our job since we are already a future teacher? ZZZ That was also the first night I slept in a camp. Super damn hot and I couldnt fallen into sleep at all. I chatted with friends at the seaside until 1am and force myself to sleep afterwards.
Wake up at 4am to go on patrolling the camp and continued with cooking breakfast for everybody. I didnt help much as my group members were so geng in cooking. I helped to cut the dry chilli. We cooked mee siam and nasi goreng for the breakfast. Had our warming up session and breakfast then. Miss Kan took over the session to share with us the knowledge of first-aid. Then then then we had the session of jungle trekking which was a total nightmare for me!!! I scared jungle trekking a lot :( We walked about 2km before reaching kaki bukit. Yee Xien and Jia Hao were super geng in jungle trekking. They could move very fast and smooth. Unlike the useless me, keep slipping and complaining throughout the whole journey. >< Thanks for helping me :)
Reaching the top of Gunung Aru.
I did it!!!

The view was captivating and made me feel worth to climb and walk so hard.
We walked from the teluk there. Thats why people said nothing is impossible. When there is a will, there is a way. I did it :)
It was around noon when we reached the top of the mountain. We took a break and then went down and did our cooking at the seaside. Thanks for my Malay and Bumi group members, again I had to praise them coz they were really professional in ourdoor activities. Without them, I think there wont be a delicious lunch for us within one hour. We could only help them cutting the onion and did some mere washing job. As Allanty introduced, our lunch menu were Sardin soup suam-suam, Cabbage suam-suam, Telur Goreng Suam-suam. I dont understand why all suam-suam but not panas-panas. hahaha XD
Walk another few kilometres along the seaside to back to the camping site. Thanks for my leader Kobeng and Allanty who kindly help me when crossing the big rocks along the seaside. The view there was really amazing and natural. Yee Xien and I daydreaming that maybe we could take our wedding album photo there, how pretty it will be. Too bad I didnt bring along my camera and phone and couldnt take photo there. :( Somehow the view will also bare in my mind.
Listen to Miss Kan's talk again before we could clean up ourselves. But there is no big deal for me coz the most scary and exhausting part had been completed. Had another LDK session at night. We played a special game that test our semangat bersatu-padu among group members. There was a lot of funny moments throughout that game. XD
I slept soundly that night coz it was really too tiring until I couldnt wake up for the patrolling. Shhh~
Moral session without lecturer that morning meant we could earn another one more hour sleeping in the hall. XD
Raft!!!!! It was fun and thrilling sitting on our own making plastic raft. Thanks God our group was quite success coz we never fall into water like Group 2. Pity them fall into water many times due to the unbalance. But it was a Must that all of us have to drop into the water, so our ketua Kobeng pushed every of us into the water. Painful....... We then given half an hour free time to play water in the sea. We swam, we floated, and thanks to En. Zelkepli kindly 'fetch' me using the raft. Finally I did try kayak~ ^ ^
That afternoon was quite a relax one coz we didnt have any exciting activities. We just sat in group to discuss the performance for the Malam Kreativiti. But too bad it rained cats and dogs that afternoon and malangnya my camp went wet!!! Super smelly inside and my luggage was wet T____T We cleaned a while when the rains stopped and immediately went to the kitchen to prepare dinner because Pn. Pengarah will be attending the Malam Kreativiti.
The dinner!! Super damn yummy one :P
Eating the dinner we hardly prepared. :)

All of my group members. Our drama was funny! We sang song 'Terima Kasih Guru' which is a cute song that I like a lot!!
All the participants of BIG Siri Ke-8. Miss it!!! :)
The last night of BIG!!! I slept directly under the sky. Geng right? Who asks our camp went wet and turned so smelly! We requested to sleep outside and thanks lecturer for approving it. Ngek ngek ngek :P We could see thousands of star once we opened our eyes and I think it is more comfortable than sleep inside the closed camp. At least it is much more cooler outside. Funny and cool experience that others dont have. :)
Reflection session in the morning after warming up and breakfast. I was asked by my group members to share my feelings in front. Everybody gave me claps and praised by my own members made me overwhelmed with happiness. It had been a long time since I last talk in front of so many people. I swear I must learn to be more confident and braver to expose myself in front of people. After that was the cleaning and tidying session. We had to keep our camp and pack the luggage.
The camp-mates : Yee Xien, me and Ena.Woah the folded camp!
Woah the alat -alat O.o
Closing ceremony after it. The pengarah gave her 45 minutes speech made everybody fallen asleep. Super duper tired yet had to listen to her lame boring speech. ><""" My group won the best group in jungle trekking award :D
Rachael and me and En. Zelkepli :)With funny Kawa :D
My card number 65 throughout the 4 days 3 nights.
The hampers we won ;)
Yee Xien and I with Ketua Kobeng.
Me, Yee Xien, Chanel, and Sin Pin.
Pretty right? I mean the background view :P
Going back to IPTHO
Throughout the 4 days, I not only knew lots of new friends but also gained many new experiences that I never ever try before. I learnt to be brave, tough, confident through all those thrilling activities. All the memories still can vividly recall in my mind and I will remember every part and parcel of it in the core of my heart. It was really an amazing trip. I think it achieved it's target to build our spirit as a responsible and dedicated educator in the future.
Bina Insan Guru, SUCCESS!!!! :D
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