I craved for a long time and finally the chinese new year was coming! But today is the Chap-Gor-Meh, so it had came to the end. :( Well, blissful moments never fail to fly! Anyhow, I still gonna write down my every memorable moments during my new year. I had a simple yet delicious reunion dinner with my aunts and uncles. Miss my grandpa who had already passed away for three years as usual. Miss the moments he gave us angpau after the reunion dinner. Yet, I believe his spirit will be staying with us and bless us always. Miss the night we played firecrackers and stay late to pray and welcome the Cai-Shen. There were a lot of moments that imprinted in my mind that I think I will never forget it. I miss the new year when I were still a little girl.
Chu 1, Lou-Yee-Shang~ Huat Ah!!!Happy Dragon and the Yee-Shang. :D
My beloved daddy and brothers.
Three of us :D
Looked slimmer in this photo. XD XDI want thin thin thin, gonna put in more hard effort!!
Went Yi Ling's and Shin Yeh's house for bai nian. Went to Khoo Sir house too. He is still using tongkat, pity him, wish him get recover and back to school soon! Having my cny first meal in sushi king. :D
Chu 2 - Stay at home.
Chu 3 - House visiting among secondary school friends. ^__^
First station: My house!!
Next, Jia Ling's house.
Followed by Wei Farn's old house and new house.
Self camwhore in Her Yi's house. I love this photo!! All of us squeeze inside the little frame and it made us one family! Really miss the old time in Dato school. T__T
Her Yi's house.
Apek's house. Forgot to take photo and U-turn here to retake photo. LOL

The handsome driver Farn and us on the way finding our lunch!
Having our meal in Summer Freeze cafe. Thanks to the waitress for helping us take photo.
In Dear dear Caroline's house. The little girl Tong-tong who babysitted by Carol's mom is cute. :)
Next station, Melissa's house! All of us love her dog, Mr Lucky aka ba gua!! He is just too cute and loyal to his owner Sasa.
Here we are, having buffet in my dear Heng Chen's new house. Yo, getting richer huh? :D
My best best friends during my secondary schooling days. Though we seldom hangout now, we are still besties forever. We owned little secret in NN company that no one else understand. Miss our Form One time that kept drawing rumours cartoon, wonder where we found the American time. XP
Last station is Boon Qiang aka cockroach's house. Oops, forgot to upload photo >< Sorry. Well, it was really a memorable day. I still remember we walked house to house when we were still a schooling kids or telephone parents to fetch us here and there for house visiting, then squeeze in one person's car and now most of us owned our car license and it turned convenient for us to drive here and there ourselves. Time flies and it brings both bright and dark side to us. We gained more freedom while lost precious time with family and friends. Thats why I appreciate every moments to stay with every single of them. :"")
Chu 4 -- Recharged my energy at home.
Chu 5 -- Pay my first visit to Dong Zen Temple.
Amitabha. -/\-
Be kind-hearted, Talk in polite way, Do good deeds.
In the garden.
Paste the lantern with my wishes on it. Good luck in the coming year, YAY!!
With my bro :D
龙天护佑 Everybody can be the God that bless ourselves if you believe in yourself and done good deeds.
Nice shot ^^
With the Guan-Yin and my bros. :D
Going back at 10pm and reach at 1sth am. Seriously lethargic but it was worth to see so many beautiful and attractive light decorations.
Chu 6 -- Appreciate the last day to meet my darling and primary school friends.
In darling Woon Yee's house.
Joey mei mie, Fiona ah ji and Jessie ah mui <3
At my house with the Happy Dragon ^0^
Having our meal in Dong Seoul. We just paid rm20 for this meal, ridiculous story XDVisit my Chinese paint teacher, Mr Tan and his wife. He is 80 years old dy and really sayang me. I miss the time when I was a little girl and learnt drawing from his every Wednesday. But I no more taking the class since SPM, yet when I went to his house everything seemed familiar. The feeling is still there, really miss it! Hope my teacher can stay older older and I still have the chance to learn Chinese art from him!!
Reunion dinner with primary school friends. Sad case only one forth of our classmates could attend and time really further our distance. Anyway, still feeling glad we never lose contact. Keep in touch, old friends. =)
Rush to Wei Farn's house to 'claim' my birthday present. HAHA!! Really shocked and touched when I saw the iPhone casing. This is the most special casing I had among 9 of them. Many of my friends get cheated and thought it is a real camera. Thanks dear ah pig and ah Farn!!
Thats the end of my cny holidays and I gonna back school for class. Really feeling bad and reluctant to back to school coz home is always the best part in Earth! Holidays mood is off and study mood is ON! I must try my best to be more disiplin in my studies and lifestyle. Gambateh PISMP! Gambateh Jing Chan!! GOGOGO!!! :D