one week ago, i got taekwando
2 days before,i got taekwando
today,I STILL GOT TAEKWANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my limbs are still painful when i went taekwando just now!and when i arrived there,the very moments shocked me!omg!today,sir coming!!!made me nearly fainted~~~~~and there were TWO sir!!
then nightmare was started! he ordered us to run around our school field 4 rounds!!erm......for me,it is still ok,not too,i ran,and ran,and ran...i was gasping for O2,panting,puffing...and i tahan till last minute and i had survive!!
hey,dont think that my nightmare had finished,k?it wont finished that easy!NEVER!!!
after we took a rest,we started to practice some basics because some of them is going to take the taekwando exam later..and this one was still ok...
later,he asked us to kick the leaves!!!believe not?is LEAVES!!!leaves on the tree beside the track!he picked the lowest leaves but i still cant kena it ~.~because i am too short.anyway,i really really try my best ady!
"too low your kick,higher!"
"u are too near to the leaves,pay attention to the distance u took!"
"u have to turn your waist baru u can kena the leaves!"
"this one is better!" XD XD
"again!what happened to u?why this one lower than the previous kick?" X( XC
i think i had kicked at least 100times today!!i wandering,dont know how long my legs are going to be painful~~~
finally...this stupid activities had everybody thought the nightmare had came to an end,hehehehehhe.....
"go and run 2 more rounds!!first slower a bit,second one FAST!go right now!"
har!!!!!it was tooooooooooo cruel !!!but.....that is an order!
run lo.................but thankfully now i am still alive to type this post!
going to rest and sleep.....Zzzzz